Feeling Stuck? Ways to Springboard Heritage Language Learning
Understanding the stages of heritage language learning can help you prepare for them and continue to progress on your language journey.

A Language Long Believed Lost is Revitalized by one Heritage Speaker
One man served as a resource for revitalizing a language long thought lost.

A New Year and New Ways to Enhance Heritage Language Skills: How to Make Home Language Goals Successful in 2024
Jump start home language goals for the New Year with these tools.

Short Visits to a Home Nation can Enhance Heritage Language Skills
Research has found that while consistent use of a home language in a host nation is essential, short visit to the home nation can enhance may aspects of heritage language skill development.

Heritage Speakers and the School-Home Connection
A strong school home connection is key to heritage language students adaptation to school, academic success, and promoting positive feelings about their home language

Native American Medium Schools: A Tool for the Revitalization of Native American Languages
Native American Medium Schools use heritage languages as the mode of instruction across most subjects and play an important role in helping to revitalize these languages.

Community Based Heritage Language Schools in the United States: An Overview
A survey of heritage language schools across the Untied States reflects the diversity of these programs.

States can Protect Heritage Languages
Each State can Serve a Vital Role in Protecting Heritage Languages.

Heritage Languages in the United States
The Unites States is a true melting pot of heriatge languages.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Honoring the Hispanic Language and Culture
National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate Hispanic culture, including its heritage language.

Heritage Language Education: A Growing Field
Heritage language learners present with unique characteristics when learning their native language.

A Visit to a Heritage Language School
Heritage Language Schools play a central role in supporting a connection to the home culture and language for heritage learners.

Heritage Language Maintenace and Revitalization: Key Factors for Success
Research is identifying key factors that support heritage language maintenance.

International Indigenous Language Decade Launches in 2022
Celebrate the diversity of all lagnauges

Linguistic Freedom: We Should not Take it for Granted
Linguistic freedom is threatened in some parts of the world.

What is the Difference between a Native Speaker and a Heritage Language Speaker?
The terms native speaker and heritage speaker are often confused, but have important differences.

We can all Help Prevent Language Loss
We can all take action and help prevent language loss.

Heritage Language Schools: A Critical Tool to Protect Home Languages
Heritage Language Schools are well positioned to play a critical role in supporting heritage languages.

Tips for Improving your Heritage Language Skills
Learning a heritage language can be frustrating, but some simple tools can help you stay motivated.

Why Heritage Languages Decline
Heritage language use often declines for a variety of reasons.